Nutrition is intimidating. At MacroLiving, we strive to make nutrition simple and sustainable. We focus on designing a nutrition plan with you that will fit your life, your goals, and is sustainable for the long term

No matter what your past experiences, we want to help you develop a healthy relationship with food. We do this by focusing on what you can eat, how to plan out meals around your schedule, and how to still eat foods you enjoy

What is MacroLiving

1 on 1 Coaching

Our coaching is focused on developing a plan for you, not forcing you to adjust to our plan. Each individual is different, and your nutrition plan should be too.

Accountability is a key to success. Our weekly check ins keep you on track to continue to reach your specific goal.

Monthly InBody Scans help show us the progress that a scale may not show. It also allows us to see trends to make any adjustments early instead of playing catchup later

At MacroLiving, we send out weekly recipes through PlantoEat. This gives you weekly meal ideas, an automated grocery list, and the peace of mind knowing you don’t need to hunt through and internets worth of recipes.

Meal planning is a skill that takes practice, and should be learned. This is why we don’t provide personalized meals plans. By helping discover new recipes, we want to help you learn the process of meal planning and how to eat regular food to reach your goals.

Meal Planning


MacroLiving uses the LifeBase app for macronutrient tracking. Through this app, we are able to use the data from your InBody scan to customize your macros to you! This platform is extremely easy to use, customizable, and tailored to help you get the success you strive for

Click on Logo for 20% off your PlantoEat membership!

“I've been amazed at how easy the weight comes off when I feed my body what it needs. Carbs of my friend, not my enemy. I realized I was depriving my body of the carbs I needed”

— Sharon S.

“Grace filled accountability! You are looking at my data, so I want to do the best I can, but whenever I get off track you are always so kind and helpful to prepare me for the next time I am “macro” challenged.”

— Lance N.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
